Be inspired and challenged to function in the fullness of your destiny, specifically in the areas of your personal interests and passions. You’ll discover that the very things that you may already be doing in life are opportunities for you to know more of God and therefore display more of Him to the world. Johnny goes in depth on proper end time theology that will give you a fresh perspective on the future as well as personal direction for how you fit into God’s plans of restoring His true name, face, and reputation to all.
Throughout the nine week course you will hear a clarion call to sons and daughters of God to let go of an "orphan" mentality and show the world the good Papa that He truly is. Are you ready to be a part of a generation of Christians who say yes to the most privileged assignment of all? This assignment is nothing less than displaying to a world of "orphans" the correct heart of our God-a Father who is good, who loves His creation so much that He cares about every area of life, and whose kingdom ways of doing things are the solutions to every problem that exists. Prepare to be inspired and challenged in ways that will cause you to AWAKE, ARISE, and SHINE!
There are reading assignments after each lesson. All reading assignments are from Johnny's two books The Seven Mountain Prophecy and The Seven Mountain Mantle. These books are not critical to the overall understanding of the course, but are definitely complimentary to it and we highly recommend you read them both!
There are nine weeks of course material with a workbook with fill in the blank notes you can use for referencing the material taught after you are done with the course. There are "Living Intentionally" Sections with lists of questions designed to help you intentionally apply what you have learned.
There is an answer sheet for the workbook blanks in the back of the book just in case you missed some of them. There is also a helpful Seven Mountain Quick Reference Chart to remember the basics of what you have learned.
Go to to purchase your participant's workbook and pdf or hard back of the books.
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